The Flowers of War (2011)

DIRECTOR:  Zhang Yimou
RELEASE DATE: 16 December 2011

The Flowers of War is a Story In 1937, Japan invades China, starting the Second Sino-Japanese War. the japanese Imperial Army overruns China's capital town, Nanking, in December and carries out the systematic and brutal metropolis massacre.As the invasive Japanese overpower the Chinese army, desperate schoolgirls break away to the nominally protecting walls of their convent at a Western-run Roman Catholic cathedral. Here, John Miller (Bale), associate degree yankee funeral director on a task to bury the top priest, joins the cluster of innocent schoolgirls. He finds a boy there, George, associate degree orphan WHO was raised by the dead priest, and tutored English. The boy is that the same age because the schoolgirls. shortly a gaggle of flamboyant prostitutes hit the cathedral, seeking refuge by activity within the cellar. pretense to be a priest, Miller tries to stay everybody safe whereas {trying|making associate degree attempt|attempting} to repair the convent's truck to use for an escape.After an occurrence once rapscallion Japanese forces assault the cathedral (who ar then killed by the dying effort of a lone Chinese Major), Japanese commissioned military officer Hasegawa guarantees to guard the convent by inserting guards outside the gate, and requests that the schoolgirls sing a hymn for him. many days later, he hands Miller a political candidate invite for the schoolgirls to sing at the japanese Army's celebration. Fearing for the security of the virginal schoolgirls, Miller declines. Hasegawa informs him that it's associate degree order which the women ar progressing to be picked up future day. Before they leave, the japanese troopers count the schoolgirls and mistakenly embody one in every of the prostitutes (who has strayed from the cellar), totalling thirteen.When the de facto  leader of the schoolgirls, Shu Juan (Xinyi), convinces them that they're comfortable committing suicide by jumping off the cathedral tower, they're saved at the last moment once the de facto  leader of the prostitutes, Yu Mo (Ni), convinces her cluster to guard the schoolgirls by taking their place at the japanese party. As there ar solely twelve prostitutes, George, the dead priest's adoptive son, volunteers additionally. Miller ab initio opposes their unselfish call, however ultimately assists in disguising them, victimisation his skills as a funeral director to regulate their makeup and cut their hair to seem like schoolgirls. The prostitutes conjointly produce knives out of broken windows and conceal them in their cloaks.The next day, the "13 Flowers of Nanking" ar light-emitting diode away by the unsuspecting Japanese troopers. when they depart, Miller hides the schoolgirls on the truck he repaired and, employing a single-person allow provided by the daddy of a little girl, drives out of metropolis. within the last scene, the truck is seen driving on a deserted route heading west, removed from the advancing Japanese army. The fate of the thirteen Flowers remains unknown, apparently martyring themselves for the students' freedom.


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