DIRECTOR: Francis Ford Coppola
RELEASE DATE: 10 August 1979
Cast:Martin Sheen,Marlon Brando,Robert Duvall,Frederic
Forrest, Albert Hall, Sam Bottoms, Laurence Fishburne , Dennis Hopper.
Apocalypse Now now's a yankee epic war film. The film revolves around Captain Benjamin L. Willard (Sheen) on a secret mission to assassinate commissioned military officer Kurtz, a renegade United Nations agency is probable insane. In 1969, throughout the war, us Army United States Army Special Forces commissioned military officer Kurtz has gone insane and currently commands his own Montagnard troops, within neutral Cambodia, as a demi-god. commissioned military officer movie maker and General Corman, progressively involved with Kurtz's volunteer operations, assign MACV-SOG Captain Benjamin L. Willard to "terminate" Kurtz "with extreme prejudice".